Year: 2010
Harry Potter 7 gives hardon and jail
Irland forced to take EU Bailout
NUDE IT app for iPhone
This is an app which all of you, freaks with iPhones, would love to have… Isn’t it?
Monthy Python – Silly Job Interview
How Football Comments should be
A small message to all television channels that have sports commenting programs… This is how your programs will have more audience…
PC vs. Mac – South Park version
Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie
This video is a bit of the Don’t be dirty quiz with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. After that you find a small discussion on Beauty and Ideas.
Star Trek like home system
Pascal vd Heiden, a Dutch Star Trek fan created this Home automation software, completly inspired by the LCars interface, from the Star Trek computers. See his site.