Pandas vs. Ninjas
Small video with a demo/test of the game “Pandas vs. Ninjas” for Android, a remake of the popular Hungry Birds.
Small video with a demo/test of the game “Pandas vs. Ninjas” for Android, a remake of the popular Hungry Birds.
Anderson Cooper discusses the anti-gay rant posted on Facebook by Clint McCance. This kind of behaviour can’t be tolerated.
This animated video from RSA Animate explains what motivates us. As most video from them, it a very good video to watch, fun and informative.
This is a banned commercial from Levis. I don’t understand why, however… it may be a bit hardcore to primetime, but I saw more intense things on TV!
Dave Allen, as almost any parent does, explain us how to read the time.
This video fokes with gnostics theists and atheists at the same time.
This video from Common Craft explains what twitter is in simple english
Some time ago I did published a video of Blendtec Cola Smoothie. But Blendtec and the already very known campaign Will it Blend? needs to get harder and harder challenges everyday. And that’s why they decided to go for a more controversial blending… the Apple iPad. Will it blend?
Scene from the TV mini-serie “Mundo Catita” – a portuguese TV serie with Manuel Vieira… a portuguese polemic public personality.